
I've been working on a chatbot to provide people with cooking ideas and recipes. The idea for this project arose because whilst I quite enjoy cooking I often struggle to come up with good ideas or recipes to cook. Additionally, I often don't end up thinking about what to cook until I am in the supermarket, by which time it is too late to do a proper search. Therefore I made this chatbot to try and assist me in finding recipes. I am a big fan of MobKitchen so they were the first set of recipes that I added to the bot. However I hope to add some other sites in the future.

The bot is still very much in development and hence runs locally on my computer. However, if the server is running you should see a blue chat icon in the bottom right hand corner. Feel free to try it out! The source code and more explanation is on my GitHub . Note that it is not yet very good at handling deviations for the happy path!

Example Conversation
